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CJ FNT(Food & Nutrition Tech)

We provide healthier and sustainable solutions for our global customers through the synergy of CJ Foods' market knowledge and CJ BIO's superior R&D competencies.

Mission and Vision of CJ FNT


We enrich your healthier and
sustainable business
with customized solutions through
our outstanding innovative


Global total solutions provider enabling healthier and sustainable lifestyle

FNT(Food & Nutrition Tech)

Global No. 1 food and nutrition
total solutions provider

Core Values

Outstanding innovative technology, Sustainability, Wellness, Pioneership

새롭고 향상된 상품과 서비스를 개발하는 Total soultion provider, CJ FNT, Taste&Beyond, Nutrition 솔루션 / 미래식품소재를 위한 플랫폼 구축 / Emerging protein - B2C DNA - Market sensing 노하우, CJ FOODS, 1. Trend Catching, 2.  고객이해, 3.  마케팅/커뮤니케이션, 4.  품질 관리, 5.  Application -   Tech Infra - 초격차 Nutrition health 연구 개발역량, CJ BIO, 1.  균주 플랫폼/기술, 2.  생산 Infra / 공정기술, 3.  환경, 안전, ESG, 4.  글로벌 Infra, 5.  분석 역량

A rich diet enabled by mass production and prolonged life expectancy by medical advances have resulted in unique health issues for consumers tumor's desires for healthier foods well-being sustainable future lead to the growth of Wellness food and nutrition markets to meet these various desires and embrace Wellness Mega Trends we are evolving it's experiencing a rebirth as CJ food and nutrition Tech launched in 2022 CJ food and nutrition Tech is a new organization designed to lead Innovation within the food and nutrition Market by synergizing top-tier global food and the bio business division which expert entities in CJ as a total solution provider we're here to develop new enhanced goods and services by combining cutting-edge Nutritional Health r d within the bio business Division and Market insights within the food business division in addition our open door policy is a powerful communication tool for discovering future opportunities and understanding the needs of consumers and clients starting there we will develop new alternative and cultured proteins Wellness foods and beverages nutritional Solutions with trust and quality we seek the opportunity to grow along with our members clients partner companies and the health food Community we want the population to eat healthier and enjoy a greater quality of life we're there alongside you on the Journey To Build a Better Life CJ food and nutrition Tech we enrich your life

Introduction of Business

Taste & Beyond

Taste & Beyond

We offer novel products including TasteNrich®, a plant-based fermentation solution, and FlavorNrich™, the world's first and only vegan natural cysteine, to replace artificial food additives.

Nutrition Solutions

Nutrition Solutions

We provide customized solutions for the diverse needs of health-conscious consumers through ActiveNrich™ for performance and sports, and WellNrich™ for wellness.

Alternative & Cultured Proteins

Alternative & Cultured Proteins

To lead future innovation, we are focused on developing new protein sources by cultivating alternative and cultured proteins. We are taking the initiative in creating high-value products that will establish capabilities to work in the global market.